"No shame nor blame: for 15 years, Rey the photographer keeps on leasing over the simple pornography to restitute a languish but oniric theater from whom his women play as well with the pains of reality as well with their metamorphosis. Only animals, birds,mythologic anthems rising from the deep waves of our bloody roots. in fact, we are all blind in front of these shadows & wild instincts & bodies. it has also to be said that Rey gives his models total freedom in organizing their nude/half covered sessions: reality needs to be negociated, not to be held up. A kind of play on these beaches of childhood we last missed. Freedom too for us, the visitors, waiting and looking for all the little musics tales have forgotten to strike up and down , those we use to call the erotic pleasure."
          © Thierry Delhourme
"...Lucha enamorada, obediente a la su interioridad de reglas, como metáfora del viaje: jadeo, velocidad, desfile del paisaje (siempre el del otro, l'amante).
Cuerpos guiandos por el instincto de la vida, l'humor brava de la vida, pero sin la miel falsamente tranquilizadora de la color. Si, cuerpos balanceados, suspendidos entre la frescura de los sueños y la polvora del gozar.
Odaliscas, majas, madonnas, version rebeldes, version granadas. Se puede tanbien léer un homenaje discreto y humilde a los viejos primos bordalés, Goya y Molinier, otros viajeros, cogidos en el Resplendor..."

      © Thierry Delhourme